KrausefitRx offers Monthly Memberships with discounted rates. Please text or call us at 719-650-8526 for Membership Options.

We look forward to serving you further!

Integrative Sports Therapy

Flat Rate Therapy ( No gratuities, tips or hidden fees)
Specializing in resolving pain and getting to the ROOT CAUSE of the problem + creating a long-term solution while optimizing your performance.

Athlete Performance Coaching

We will create a customized strength and mobility plan to support your athletic and/or wellness goals and provide one-on-one in person coaching (cost based on package).

Nutrition Coaching

Let us help you achieve your ideal physique through a sustainable balanced nutrition program.

Discovery Call

Schedule a FREE 15 minute Discovery Call so we can to know you more and how we can help you reach your goals


I am a coffee loving Clinical Rehab Therapist and Athlete Performance Coach who loves applying a functional approach to rehab therapy and pushing the limits of evidence based training, and holistic nutrition.

As a therapist I specialize in helping people find solutions to their nagging problems by helping them determine the root cause of their pain. I love being able to have provide a hybrid of both therapy and coaching in all my services.

As a tenured coach (over 10 years of experience) I also specialize in evidenced based training, performance based nutrition and weight loss. I pretty much love every style of training, but especially love advanced hypertrophy training. I have an extensive background natural bodybuilding, functional fitness and metabolic conditioning.

I am excited to help you meet your health and fitness goals, whatever they may be.


Andrew Krause

Clinical Rehab Therapist & Athlete Performance Coach LMT, CPT, FNS, FDM- - Fascial Distortion Model Provider - Licensed Massage Therapist - Certified Personal Trainer - Fitness Nutrition Specialist - Drug Free Bodybuilder - Philosophy of Movement Coach - WellCoach/ Health Coach

CEO/OWNER KRAUSEFITºRX I am a coffee loving Clinical Rehab Therapist and Athlete Performance Coa... Read More

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Located at: 4345 Beverly St Ste G, Colorado Springs
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